Bad Tattoos Part 9

Memorial tattoos for certain people

Really bad tattoo - Unicorn Leave Comment

Never Seen A Tattoo End Up This BAd | Ragamuffin Soul

But then there are some people that I know that look really bad


Obama Tattoo: $200, Semi-Annual Fill-ins: $40, Getting Ripped of By a Bad

Re: It's that time again: Bad Tattoos!

Pop Culture Oddities: Bad Tattoos

15 Tattoos From People That Really Love Drugs and Booze | Sloshspot Blog

Funny and dumb tattoos

No, that's not dirt, mud, or a really bad tattoo. That friends is internal

Really bad tattoo - Centaur-Shrimp? Large Image Leave Comment

I could find to illustrate a sanitary clip (sorry about the bad tattoo):

yeah, they really think they're bad assonly one of these tattoos is

frankly rather rubbish celebrity trend of getting a really bad tattoo.

"This is my friend Mötley tattoo. We live in Finland city name Oulu and

Collin Ramirez · bad tattoos Pictures, Images and Photos

Really bad tats - Tattoos 563x750

That's a really bad tattoo. marckee @simon_t | 21 Oct '09,
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