I can't believe this was a year ago! Henry was so tiny.
Another Friday, another set of links, right? And this is going to sound weird, but I'm going to come right out and say it- I am typing this right now and hearing the Gossip Girl voice in my head. Not even kidding. I'm alllllmost caught up and right at the end of the current season and I'm SO INTO it. No spoilers but I'm right after episode 100 and I just watched three episodes in a row...hence hearing this blog read aloud in the GG voice. Call me crazy, I don't mind.
In other non-television news this week has been a good one. Nothing too notable, just very busy and full of hot yoga which makes me immeasurably happy. And luckily this weekend will be full of family and some pool time. I'm looking forward to seeing the lot where my sister and her husband are building their new house too- I'm so excited for them! I'm going to try to remember to take my camera out and about all weekend so hopefully on Sunday I'll have some fun photos to share. So until then.
oh and p.s., I thought I should tell you all, since I mentioned it in my last links post, that the morning after sharing my "ugh, I hate that my mouth is still swollen and I'm in post-wisdom teeth hell" rant, all pain subsided! It was a wisdom tooth (or lack of) miracle. Hallelujah!
If you read one thing on this list, read this article, and then tell me what you think. Here's the first line: "TO Elisabeth Badinter, educated women who become stay-at-home moms have lost their minds." There's so much to say about this, but I'm curious to hear what you all think too. Thanks to Jillian for emailing it to me.
Head over to this post to see if you're the winner of the Homegrown giveaway. If you weren't the winner, you can get 15% off your order using code "sweet 15."
You either like me or you don't. I love this simple quote.
I can't wait to see this.
10 pretty party inspirations.
This dress is so gorgeous, along with the rest of next season's line.
I love this idea of a homemade body scrub as favor gifts- they'd also make great Mother's Day presents.
Sponsor love: pop over and say hi to Meadow Creek.
This is the cutest nursery I've seen, pretty much ever.
And speaking of kiddo rooms, aren't these DIY hot air balloons great?
Peach Vanilla Bean Bundt Cake. Just yes!
Lauren's 5 Things on a Friday are always good.
Pretty amazing art.
Kelli is over on A Beautiful Mess sharing some style tips.
How Do You Define Success? Any interesting read over on Vanessa's blog.
I want to live here.
30 things every woman should have and know by the time she turns 30. Hmmm. What do you think?
Boston Terriers are the cutest dogs ever. I may be biased, but just look at this. Too adorable.
Some items I'd love to have in my closet, striped edition: one and two!
And finally, this makes you really stop and think...check out this Dad's time lapse video of his daughter growing up- from birth to age 12. What dedication!
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