Friday night we headed down south and spent some quality time hanging out with my parents' before heading to bed early. My Mom has converted the two upstairs bedrooms into guest rooms, so Henry sleeps in what used to be my sisters' bedroom and Hank and I sleep in my old room. It's a far cry from what it used to look like in junior high and high school (I had pictures and posters plastered in every corner of the room), but it's still fun to sleep up there- I'm always flooded with so many memories. If I'm feeling especially nostalgic, my big closet is filled with boxes and boxes of photos, notes from friends, and various treasures from back in the day. There have been so many nights I've gotten lost in those boxes, and it's incredibly fun (and usually embarrassing) to sift through all of it.
Saturday morning Hank and I headed out on a little daytime date. We first stopped by Green for lunch then spent the afternoon Christmas shopping. This year I tried to do most of our shopping in town, but there were a few items we had to pick up while down in the valley. It was such a fun day though, and I most enjoyed just walking around and spending time with Hank...and ending our day with frozen yogurt. I need to talk about this frozen yogurt trip for a minute too because it was probably the best combination I've ever had- Yogurtland's Madagascar Vanilla Bean with their Kona Coffee flavor. Delicious!

After shopping we came home and got ready for Jeff's 30th birthday party, whose wife Erin is a good friend of mine. I've written about her many times before, but Erin and I met my freshman year of college at NAU when we both lived in Sechrist (one of the freshman dorms). We instantly clicked, and both ended up rushing, pledging, and joining Pi Phi. We spent all of college side by side, and have had some great times together. Since we all graduated from NAU back in 2004 our group of friends has stayed in tact, and it's pretty neat to go through so many of life's milestones together. Erin and I even had our sons just months apart. This past weekend her husband Jeff turned 30, and Erin threw him a Mad Men-themed party. It was a ton of fun, and all of the little details she put together were awesome. I'm not a big drinker and Hank doesn't drink at all, but it was still so fun to see all of the signature cocktails being made. Hank even got in on the action with one of the fake cigarettes pictured below and a Shirley Temple. :) It was a great night spent with really great people.

Then today we had an early Christmas with my Aunt and Uncle since we won't be seeing them next weekend. We ate a big dinner then had fun watching Henry open his presents. I know I've probably already said this 100x, but celebrating holidays with Henry is the best. He makes everything so much more fun. My favorite part of today though would definitely have to have been sitting around the dining room table with my Grandma, Mom, Aunt and sister girl-talking about everything and anything under the sun. We probably scared Lauren from ever wanting to have babies (birth story overload) but it was just so much fun talking for so long.

So, that was our weekend! I hope you had a great one too. xoxo
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