Autumn's birthday happens to fall on Christmas Eve, so celebrating her special day often gets unintentionally pushed to the side due to a million Christmas and New Year's obligations. Not this year though! It was Autumn's big 3-0, so her husband Jason decided to throw her a huge surprise celebration. Shirley and Jason combined their forces to create day of wine tasting all around Northern Arizona...on a huge bus! It was a great time. We all met at Autumn and Jason's in the morning, then headed up north (close by to where we live actually) to visit some of the vineyards along the way. We stopped at
Alcantara, which is right along the Verde River, then continued over to
Arizona Stronghold and walked around downtown Cottonwood checking out some other adorable spots. We ended the day eating delicious bruschetta at the
Pillsbury Wine Company.
I'm not much of a drinker so I stayed sober, but I still had the best time eating way too much cheese (it's the very best part of wine tasting in my opinion!), getting super hydrated with my 100 bottles of water and having intense conversations with my fabulously drunken friends. I love them. Our bus turned into a party bus on the two hour ride back to Scottsdale, and I think my cheeks still hurt from all the laughing and smiling I did. It was a great time, and most importantly the birthday girl had a great time! This is the 12th birthday we've celebrated together and every year it just gets better and better! We've had our crazy ones (hello 21st birthdays while attending NAU!), we've had our calm ones, but this one was right in the middle, and a pretty perfect way to usher in a new decade. Happiest birthday, Autumn Skye.

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