Happy weekend everyone! I'll be enjoying our time in San Francisco while our friends "vacation" at our house, and I'll be back with some photos and a few stories to share, I'm sure. In the meantime, here are some links to get your Friday started.
Don is on a roll! Check out Krista and Sam's blog. Amazing. And be sure to check out his design info if you're interested in redoing your space. I'm still in awe of what he did here.
Loving Abi's photos of this cute little shop in Portland.
What an adorable clutch! This one too.
These pilates videos that Michelle shared are on my to-do list. They look awesome.
And speaking of lists, yet another dry shampoo to add to my to-try list.
These monogrammed bracelets are so simple and pretty. I'd love to a D and an H.
Choosing Positivity in Parenting. I thought it was very sweet of Kacie to include me in this list.
I'm really enjoying reading about Jess and Chelsey's experience at Alt Summit. It kind of makes me want to go next year!
200 running songs.
All of Amber Lee's SF posts got me quite excited for our little trip.
I re-shared my clean-eating applesauce oatmeal muffins on my friend Ali's blog- take a look.
Loving this elopement session (and video!) on The Loveliest Day.
Great post on how to pick the blogs your sponsor.
How fantastic are these embroidered initial necklaces? I'd love to have one.
What a simple, healthy (and quick!) quinoa idea from my friend Jessica.
This bow needs to come in Henry-bow-tie size! Too cute.
Oh, this dress in mustard is just perfect.
Matisse is one of my sponsors- have you ever tried their shoes? So cute and comfy. Go see for yourself!
And one more sponsor related item- how about some Etsy love? 1, 2, 3, and 4.
I wanted to be an actress or a writer (or an astronaut or the President) when I grew up. How about you?
An absolutely beautiful video on one of my favorite blogs.
Change your attitude, change your life. Worth the read.
A baby shower with a "make a mobile" station! Brilliant!
Did you see the February Photo-a-Day Challenge on Chantelle's blog? I'm definitely in (again).
And finally, if you haven't already done so, take a look at my blogroll. I'm missing quite a few favorites (I accidentally deleted a handful), but you might find a new favorite!
Have a great weekend! xo
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