a whole bunch of randomness- polkadots make everything better // visiting the ducks with Henry // storytime with Grandpa // visiting Adie at work // books and more books // my go-to dinner, a sweet potato with cheese and broccoli // my favorite treat, an In-N-Out protein style cheeseburger // Henry at our local playplace today, where our playgroup had a fun get together // getting bloodwork done this afternoon
Happy Pi Day! I actually just exclaimed, "it's Pi Day and we didn't eat any pie!" to my Mom, who is here visiting for a couple of days. I was legitimately upset about it until Hank reminded me that we ate pizza for dinner...which is a pie, right? So all is well again in the world; Pie Day was celebrated. And speaking of this special "holiday," I can still remember back to all of the wonderful Pi Days I had in college. That sounds so weird- "all of the wonderful Pi Days I had in college" (what?!), but being a Pi Phi, we always celebrated when March 14th came around. I have such fun/funny memories of eating pie in the chapter room with all of my sorority sisters and I still smile thinking back to so many good times we had over those four years. One of these days I'll write more about that experience!
In other news, tomorrow I have to get a cat scan and chest x-ray. Fun, right? To be honest I'm actually relieved to finally be getting some answers, or at least taking action towards getting answers. I talked about being sick a little bit in this post, but since then I haven't felt any better, and my weird symptoms haven't lessened at all either. I don't exactly feel ill; I'm more so just extremely tired all the time, and paired with some other things that are going on I finally decided to see yet another doctor and try and get to the bottom of it. To make a long story short, the doctor was a little concerned with some stuff going on in my neck/throat area and ordered the scans. So that's what I'm doing tomorrow...so think of me at 10:15am!
In other, better, non-illness news, I've had an LA trip planned for months, and this weekend it's finally here. I was a bit worried I wouldn't feel my best, and even though I don't, I'm still going to go and enjoy some relaxation time with girlfriends. This trip was planned way before the method San Francisco trip came about and I feel guilty leaving again so soon, but I am going to just enjoy my time and focus on not wondering about the results of the tests I'll get back next week. We have a fun weekend ahead of us- lots of touristy things, good food, and most of all, great quality girl time with two of my favorite people. Someone just please tell my body to not be tired or feel out of it, because I've got plans!
Some other things I'm loving right now: my Mom being in town (I wish my parents lived closer), the Bachelor finale (I actually ended up liking Courtney), and the new Trader Joe's in town (I've already gone twice).
As for now, I am headed off to bed. My Mom, Henry and I are going food shopping in the morning to get some chili-making supplies, I have my radiologist appointment, and then I am looking forward to some outdoor time. I'm hoping for a beautiful day, and I hope you have one too!
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