an old photo of Madeline and me taken in 2008- look how tiny she was!
So my wisdom teeth are officially out, thank goodness. I got them out Friday morning and what was supposed to have been a 45 minute surgery turned into a 2.5 hour ordeal due to my "stubborn roots" or something- it's hard to remember since I was still foggy from being put under. To be honest, it was much worse than I anticipated and the past couple of days have been more uncomfortable than even my c-section recovery, however crazy that may sound. But on the bright side, I keep focusing on the fact that they're out and now, the worst is over! I had an appointment today with my oral surgeon to check on healing, and he assured me my numb chin and lower lip should return to normal soon, and my mouth is looking a-okay. Now I'm just focusing on being extra careful to avoid those dreaded dry sockets. I'm so thankful for my parents who came up Friday to stay with us, taking me to my appointment on Friday while Hank worked and helped to entertain Henry all weekend. I was sad to miss all the fun since I was stuck in bed, but I know we'll have another soon when I'm feeling 100%.
While recovering the past couple of days I've been watching a few different things for the first time- Gossip Girl and Gilmore Girls (love both of them!), and I also watched two movies- My Week with Marilyn and Young Adult. And after so much "relaxation" all I want is a busy day filled with errands, a trip to Target, a big sandwich, no mouth pain, and my nice, unswollen cheeks back. ;)
Whatever you did this past weekend I hope you had a great time. I figured I would share some links today, even though it's Monday. Enjoy!
I posted the winner to the Kelli Murray Art giveaway, so check here to see if you won!
Anita is doing a Shop My Closet for her fashionable daughter Lola Birdie! This week she put up jeans and shoes, and next week maybe she'll be selling some of Lola's amazing dresses or tops. Bookmark it, or follow Anita on Twitter for updates.
Carrot cake pancakes. These looks delicious!
My favorite blog post from the week.
Wouldn't these be adorable favors for a party? Pie to go!
A wonderful essay about being a Mom...and baking bread in a random lady's house. Weird. But it's a great read.
Ireland is at the top of my one day must-visit places, and so, I am totally loving these photos.
Hello, dream bikini. Why do you have to be $200?
Passionfruit has launched- I'm sure you've seen it all over the internet! If you take ads on your blog, you will want to take a look.
Win a Pioneer Woman Cookbook over on Heather's blog.
The Top 20 Bites of 2011 in Los Angeles...I would have loved to see this list before our trip, but luckily we picked great restaurants for every meal.
Oatmeal Lemon Creme Bars. As soon as my mouth is healed I will definitely be making these!
Whenever I want to look at pretty images, I go here.
I love checking out my readers "Currently" posts, like this one!
The Art of Being Happily Single. I passed this along to a few of my single girlfriends and they loved it. It's a good read.
Like Juniper (one of my sponsors) on Facebook and be entered in their giveaway.
My friend Jess took her daughter Rowan camping! Too cute.
Want something else to do with you Instagram photos? How about putting them on custom tiles?
20 quick and healthy snack ideas.
And finally, here's my new favorite blog. Thanks Liz!
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