Name and blog name: Katie Shelton, Skunkboy Creatures
Age: 30
Occupation: Fiber Artist
Age of first tattoo: 26
Favorite tattoo: Back
Featured tattoo/location: Bird and flowers on my left arm
Artist/shop/location of feature tattoo: Ethen at Hearts of Fire Tattoo in Springfield, MO

1) Tell us about your featured tattoo- is there a background story about why you chose it, or maybe a special meaning?
I had always planned on doing something BIG for my 30th birthday. My plan for years was to be in a hot air balloon when I turned 30, but when it actually came around I realized that being in a hot air balloon at the beginning of January in the middle of Missouri would be cold and MISERABLE. I traded that hot air balloon trip for a pretty tattoo and commissioned Olivia Mew to design a tattoo for me. The finished product is a bit different from her design, but it is just as beautiful and I love it.

2) Do you have any other tattoos? If so, what do you have and where?
I have a piece on my back. The silhouette is by Charmaine Olivia and the words are from a Tom Petty song my husband and I listen to every time we take a road trip. It's just a special little thing we do together. I also have matching hearts on my elbows, and a feather on my inner forearm.

3) Do you plan on getting more?
I do plan on getting more! I actually am preparing to finish up this bird piece on my arm. I'm sure there will be more beyond that.
4) How do your family and friends feel about your tattoo(s)? Have you run into any adversity or negativity because of them?
My family seems a-okay with them. The older family members don't necessarily love them, but they grew up in a very different culture and I don't really expect them to.
Do you have a significant other? Does he/she have tattoos?
My husband does have tattoos. He has some drawings that our oldest daughter did when she was a wee one and the stars from "Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me" which was a book they used to read together every night.

5) What's the most interesting experience you've ever had in regards to your tattoos?
When I was getting my back done there was a guy sitting across from me trying to convince his girlfriend that he needed a Chuck Norris tattoo. She said something like, "Real people do not have Chuck Norris tattoos" and I quickly chimed in letting her know that my brother-in-law actually has a Chuck tattoo. I don't know if he was able to get his Chuck Norris tattoo, but it was pretty entertaining.

6) Any advice for those interested in getting tattooed but haven't gotten one yet?
Whatever design you have in mind-- sit on it. Play the waiting game and see if you still like the same idea/design a few months down the road. This is my best friend when it comes to deciding what I would like on my body forever. Some ideas didn't stand this test of time.
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