Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: A Novel
Jonathan Safran Foer, just yes. He has such a fresh voice, playful style, and a way about him that you can't help but love. He weaves stories like no other. Let me be honest for one sec. I really wanted to show you guys Everything is Illuminated but I can't find my copy anywhere! I re-read it last month and must have left it behind after I finished it. Go read that book. Then! read this one. You'll love both. (I do, anyway) That book is genius. It's beautiful, its witty, it's funny, It's real. You won't be able to put it down. This book? It's great too. You also won't want to quit until you're finished. Life can be incredibly tough. This book shows there is beauty in sadness though. You go on an adventure with 9 year old Oskar as he is determined to make sense of his father's death after 9/11. I love books that make you feel. This one makes me feel so much. The hustle and bustle of New York City, the heartbreak, the adventure, self destruction and preservation - all of it. Every page, you feel.

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