Another month, another rad video to share. This time we're learning all about method's laundry detergent, and I promise you, from my very own experience, the "free & clear" method detergent has been the best I've ever used.
I love it for a few reasons:
1. I have a strange hatred for certain household tasks, one of them being using that little cup when pouring detergent into the machine. It gets so messy, and with the number hidden inside you never know how much you really need. It bothers me how sneaky they are with those big cups and the actual detergent needed being only a small fraction of it. I'm willing to bet that most people don't even pay attention to the little line conveniently placed inside the big cup, using way too much detergent...and in turn buying way too much detergent. But method has solved my hatred of that little cup problem with their four-pump bottle! Simply pump it four times and voilĂ ! Your laundry is on its way to being super clean.
2. My clothes feel cleaner, and I feel better using something non-toxic to do it. As much as I'd like to tell you we've always used environmentally friendly detergents, I can't. Before trying out the method detergent I'd always been a Tide kind of girl. My Mom used it, my Grandma used it, it's what I knew. But because I was doing this new thing with method, I thought I should try it out...and I'm so happy I had an open-mind. Sponsored posts and what not aside, method is THE best detergent I've used. I love it.
3. The bottle. It's small, it's cute, and it fits so nicely up above our washer and dryer- much better than the huge jug 'o detergent we had up there before. When I was a college student I would have LOVED this little bottle. I have some not-so-fond memories of trying to wrangle a huge bottle of Tide plus a huge laundry basket down eight floors to the laundry room. I'd always spill some on my clean clothes, and it was just the biggest pain ever. method where were you back in 2000 when my freshman self needed you, huh?
4. This video. I think having a fun little song to hum while doing the laundry is always fun, and I especially like the end of this one.
And I have some good news for all of you - you have three ways to get some free and almost-free method laundry detergent:
1. Visit method's Facebook and enter to win some awesome prizes- one person will win a year’s supply of Method detergent, and 25 people will win laundry starter kits (two 8-load bottles). This is a photo contest, and method wants to see who or what makes doing laundry without method such a chore. Check out the rules and requirements for more info.
2. $2 off coupon- Every Thursday for the month of May, there will be a $2.00 off coupon for method Laundry Detergent on method's Facebook perks tab. And for my Canadian readers, instead of printing the physical coupon, you can get $2 off Method products available here using the discount code "WASHME."
3. And finally, if you one of the first 10 commenters down below, method will send you a free laundry starter kit. Awesome, right? (be sure to leave your email address).
Yay for clean that doesn't make you feel all dirty.
*post sponsored by method but all opinions expressed are my own. I still haven't met a method product I haven't loved!
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